Branding By The Numbers: Surprising Stats and Why Branding Matters

good branding makes you more money - stats that prove it

Welp, the stats are in. If you haven’t invested in your brand, your brand will probably die. Branding matters, and we’re showing you why.

Harsh? Maybe. But here’s the tea: it doesn’t matter how cool or revolutionary your product is; if your branding doesn’t stand out, you’re just another face in the crowd. Branding is the heartbeat of your business; it’s the only thing you can do to stand out. Let’s face it, it won’t take long for imitators to replicate your innovative product, undercut your price, or outdo your convenience.

Here are some stats on branding, and why it is the only thing that matters.

1. Consistency: The Revenue Multiplier

Presenting a brand consistently can yield a 23% uptick in revenue, states Lucidpress. It’s the string that weaves through every brand interaction, creating a recognizable brand. This is why having a comprehensive set of brand guidelines is so important.

2) Color Matters…A Lot!

Around 80% of brand recognition is attributed to color. When your eyes meet McDonald's golden arches, the brain lights up in recognition like a Christmas tree!

3) Emotional Connection Boosts Consumer Spend

Brands that have forged an emotional connection enjoy 306% higher lifetime value from customers, as per Motista. It’s the invisible thread that ties the brand and consumer in an eternal dance! This is why having your brand positioning dialed in is SO important.

4) Customer Loyalty is your Key to Long-Term Growth and Survival

A mere 5% elevation in customer retention can catapult profits by 25% to 95%, says Bain & Company. Loyalty isn’t just golden; it’s the philosopher’s stone transforming businesses into empires!

5) Branding Increases your
Marketing ROI 5X

It costs five times more to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one, as per Outbound Engine, emphasizing the value of branding in fostering customer loyalty and reducing acquisition costs.

6) Insane Impact on Conversion Rates

Businesses that leverage branding have seen a 33% increase in conversion rates, illustrating the conversion-driving potential of consistent and strong branding.

7) Storytelling Increases Brand Recall

According to One Spot, messages delivered as stories can be up to 22 times more memorable than just facts. Effective storytelling can significantly impact brand perception and recall. Time to hone in on those key messages!

8) Branding is the Growth Catalyst for SMBs

Small and medium-sized enterprises experiencing 14% more growth are the ones investing robustly in branding, according to Raconteur. It’s the small branding seeds that grow into towering trees of success!

9) Branding Boosts Your Market Position

Brands that are consistently presented are 20% more likely to have brand dominance, reinforcing the importance of maintaining uniformity in brand presentation across various platforms to fortify market position.

10) Enhances Customer Experience

A well-branded company enjoys 60% more customer satisfaction and experiences due to the clear and consistent message conveyed to the consumers, resulting in reduced confusion and increased trust.

11) Attracts Quality Talent

Strong employer branding can attract 50% more qualified applicants, according to LinkedIn, signifying its critical role in acquiring top-tier employees.

Branding is not just a mere marketing strategy but a comprehensive approach that affects every aspect of a business, from consumer acquisition and experience to market positioning and shareholder value. It acts as the compass that not only guides consumer perceptions and experiences but also shapes organizational values and practices, steering the business toward sustained growth and success.


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